Wednesday 14 October 2015

Super Science Experiments Book Review

I don't think it comes as any surprise that my kids love books as much as I do. The difference is the type of books we're prefer. Now my eldest loves all things to do with learning and one of her favourite subjects right now is science so when we were given the opportunity to choose a Miles Kelly book to review my daughter requested the Super Science Experiments book.

super science experiments

The front cover immediately draws you in. A mix of shiny writing with bright and fun illustrations has you excited as to what you might find inside.

Inside there are 40 amazing experiments to discover and these are all broken down into different types :

Air and Water
Light and Sound
Matter and Minerals

You might not have all of the components needed to hand for each experiment but there aren't any that would be difficult to find/purchase. Most are everyday sort of items that will cost very little if you don't already have them.

super science experiments

With step by step photographs and instructions showing you exactly what to do, anyone could give these experiments a go.

super science experiments

Here's what Elise has to say about the book :

Super science experiments was a great read. I loved reading about cool experiments and how they work. My favourite part of the book is the bit that tells you how hard it is and if you need adult help. It is very useful. My favourite experiment was the changing colours experiment, it was really interesting. As a final verdict , it is a great book! 

From a parent point of view I really like this book. It is fun and encourages learning as it gives the subject an element of surprise and excitement. And it isn't only experiments, there a lot of interesting facts that go alongside the experiments. 

I found myself learning along with my children. Things that I'd perhaps forgotten over the years. 

The youngest ones joined in watching too, really interested in just how things worked but it was actually one of the simplest tasks that had them all joining in….. Shadow shapes :

shadow animals

shadow animals

Yes this a technically a book for kids but it allows parents and children to do some fantastic activities together. Priced at £12.99 it's education made cool in my opinion.


Disclaimer : I was sent this book FOC for reviewing purposes however all thoughts and opinions are our own.


  1. This looks fabulous with clear, easy to follow instructions. Will definitely look out for this one :)


  2. This books looks good for children of the right age. Too old for mine at the mo but would make a great pressie. x #readwithme

  3. This looks a lot of fun and nicely laid out too.

  4. Lovely pics of you playing shadows! My kids love doing that too!

  5. We have this book and love it, so many fun experiments to carry out


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