Wednesday 25 November 2015

Bug Bites Book Review

The lovely people at Priddy Books recently sent the girls their Bug Bites book, I have to admit I'm not the biggest fan of bugs but my daughters aren't scaredy cats like their mum…

Step into this bumper reference book full of buzz-tastic bugs, gruesome facts plus lots to colour and do! Perfect fr teaching any little bug fan about these amazing creatures.

This book is aimed at children aged 5+ and is great for both boys and girls. It comes complete with glow in the dark bugs and lots of fun stickers.

You can see from the front cover that it will include bugs from the small and cute like ladybirds right up to the more creepy looking ones like spiders and scorpions.

There is so much to discover inside you won't know which page to turn to first.

Each page is laid out in a way that catches the eye. Bright colours and bold text both manage to draw you in and immediately have you looking and reading.

Who knew there were so many bugs in the world?

There are a mixture of activities. From fact learning to colouring and even quizzes that can be completed.

Every fact page has a coinciding bug sticker which you can find located at the back of the book. The kids and I were discussing what bug each sticker was (a great added element). This is also where you will find the answers to the quizzes.

This is a book that encourages both learning, fact building and reading. I would say it is a brilliant book to put in front of a reluctant reader who is a fan of bugs as it will piqued their interest enough to get them wanting to read the words!

Although aimed at children I have to admit that I too found the Bug Bites book fascinating, there was so much that I didn't know. Priced at £8.99, it is well worth every penny.


Disclaimer : I was sent this book FOC for reviewing purposes however all thoughts and opinions are my own. 


  1. This looks like a fun book to introduce children to bugs. I like the glow in the dark stickers but I'm not so keen on the tarantula picture!

  2. I think it's really important that we give books like these to girls! Books open their eyes to so many different interests and possibilities and we need to do everything we can to keep all those doors open so that girls have as many life choices as possible... Little scientists in the making :-)

  3. A fabulous book for bookbairns who like creepy crawlies! But gives me the heebie jeebies! #readwithme

  4. This looks so cool - and anything which comes with stickers is an instant hit! :) #readwithme

  5. eeeek that Spider picture freaked me out a little! looks good though and priddy books are always such good quality x

  6. A brilliant review Chantelle! I tell you what you're my go-to blog when I'm looking for books for LP, you've helped encourage me to buy three books so far! ;) Thanks for the tips. x

    1. aaa that is so nice to hear!! glad to be of help x

  7. Not my cup of tea either, but I'm sure my boys would like it

  8. I love the interactive nature of this book, it looks like fun learning


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