Tuesday 24 November 2015

My Top 5 Programmes To Watch on NOW TV

So recently I was lucky enough to be asked to join the NOW TV blogger squad. Much to my husbands delight because this would be mean he could sit and watch Game of Thrones (again). We've had it installed on our Xbox One for a couple of weeks now so I thought I would share with you my top 5 programmes to watch from their entertainment package.

The Walking Dead

Now if you haven't started watching this programme yet, why not? With the new season being upload weekly to NOW TV you can keep up in real time with what the US are watching.

American Horror Story

Again the new series is being put on there each week. This is a programme that I recommend to a lot of people. Each series although using a lot of the same actors every time, it has a different storyline each season so thinks are definitely kept interesting. Although I'd advice to not watch if you scare easily.

Moone Boy

I absolutely love this programme!! Moone boy is laugh out loud funny, Chris O'Dowd is entertaining as ever.

The British

For anyone into history this programme will be right up your street. We've actually had our girls sitting watching some of this with us as it is always good to be learning things about our own country!


We stumbled upon this programme accidently a couple of years ago and have been telling our friends to watch ever since. Based on Mark Wahlberg's life, there is a great mix of characters and is one of those programmes that is very easy viewing!

So there's my recommendations. For those of you who have NOW TV what have you been watching recently? And for those of you who don't perhaps you'd like to give it a try.

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