Friday 15 January 2016

Blogging By Numbers

blogging by numbers

When I started blogging way back in 2011 I didn't have a clue what I was doing. My layout was as basic as you could get and my posts were mere sentences long but my blog wasn't for anyone else per say, it was my way of getting the thoughts out of my head, a hobby to keep my mind ticking over. So really I had no need to care about what anyone else thought of my blog, I didn't think about who could be reading it. But that's how blogging was for most I think, it was fun, not about money making as it seems to be these days.

It wasn't until I stepped away from my blog over Christmas and gave myself a much needed break that I began to realise just how much effort goes into my tiny space on the web. All the tasks I have to perform to keep up with everyone else, to keep it ticking over. It isn't as simple as writing a post and pressing publish anymore, these days the focus is on reviews and sponsored posts and the pounds that can be accumulated from this instead of the more personal and heartfelt posts that I love to read so much. 

I like to think of it as blogging by numbers nowadays. There are so many things that factor in, from social media followings and page views, DA and PA ( I mean who actually comes up with these figures anyway?) to rankings in certain charts. People seem to be reliant on what others deem to be acceptable rather than being happy with what they have achieved themselves. And when I say blogging by numbers this also goes against the time we spend writing the post, taking pictures. The money we spend personally out of own pockets to create the perfect backgrounds, driving to different locations to get that last bit of sunlight. 

My blog last year began to get clogged up with so many reviews and sponsored posts that I wouldn't blame people from closing the tab and finding something else to read. Trouble is I felt the need to publish post after post as it seemed like the thing I should be doing to keep myself noticed, to the point where I was publishing up to 3 posts a day. I found myself trying to "perfect" photos on Instagram to up my followers, tweeting more and more links to get my posts "out there" instead of conversing with others. Blogging is essentially my job now but I was losing that element of myself and my family from my blog and all things connected to it in a bid to stand out from the thousands of other blogs around. 

Having stepped back from it all, I've come to realise that the numbers actually mean very little. Yes it is nice to see your follower count rise, it is an ego boost to see your blog topping charts but what it all comes back to really is the writing. You can have all the followers in the world but if what you write isn't of good quality then essentially you are no better than anyone else. I've read plenty of thoughtful and well articulated posts from people who aren't "popular" or "professional bloggers", the numbers don't make us great, we are only as good as we make ourselves.

Since I've started writing again I've slowed down significantly. Turning down many reviews and being more selective with posts because my blog is my own and I want it to stay that way. As for social media platforms like Twitter and Instagram I'm doing it my way, it is in the name "social", these platforms are meant for engaging with others not a place to create some false realities or advertisements. In the end the numbers are simply that, just numbers and they certainly don't write my posts for me so I shall carry on in my tiny space on the web where you'll find me blogging for myself if you ever feel the desire to read what you find there.


  1. Hi I enjoyed this post as it was direct from the heart. The blogs which have too much advertising I avoid and those that are only writing posts to promote things. I have a little corner of the blogging world I only have a few followers but that's ok because I started my blog more as a way to document the stories I have read to my children because they're only little once. Enjoy your blog and keep it as your own the way you want it :-)

    1. Thanks so much for your comment! I love documenting our memories too, such a great thing for our kids to look back on!

  2. Getting the bance right when it's your job is hard, but I want to write more for me this year too. You are right, numbers can actually mean very little and it annoys me when people can't see that x

  3. I think you're right: blogging can be exhausting, and it's good to get some perspective!

  4. It's horses for courses! As a blogger of the "third age" ie. I'm well into retirement! I started a year ago for a couple of reasons. Firstly I thought it would be a jolly good way to stay in touch with friends and family spread all over the world and secondly, it would keep the brain working, as I TRY to write well and entertain! I published a blog a week for the whole year but now have decided to write less often as some weeks I was in danger of publishing second rate stuff as the pressure was on! I have few followers but just love doing it - even for myself!

  5. Oohhhhh I love this. I became so obsessed last year after I quit my day job and became a pro blogger - is my DA high enough? Are my numbers ok? Should I do this? How about that? I must take alllll the paid jobs!! I must I must!!

    I knocked that on the head pretty quick, I was unhappy, and I think it came across in my writing. I'm now much more chilled, it will come, I'm doing good and that's what counts. Thank you so much for letting me know that other bloggers get this insecurity too

  6. I want to go back to enjoying my blog which is 5 this year .

    I want my photography to come through again

    You're fab

  7. I love this post. It's something I struggle with often. I think the charts can be detrimental as it's so easy to get caught up in stats and things in order to climb the chart and then maintain a position. People attribute value to a blog based on their chart position but you're right, there are so many fantastic blogs that aren't "popular" or high in the charts or whatever else. It's easy for these fantastic writers to be overlooked because of a number in a chart.
    Blogs were an entirely different kettle of fish before social media came along. I feel like it's brilliant that we can use it to get readers to our blogs but sometimes it does start to feel like a big chore, to keep up with it all. Like a hamster on a wheel!

  8. I am SO with you on this lovely. I started to feel this way more and more towards the end of last year and I finally feel that I am getting back to me. Good luck with yours xx #PoCoLo

  9. This is so true. I had some time off over Christmas and decided to concentrate on the social aspect of blogging and doing things as well as I can. Even if it means doing a bit less. The important thing is having fun and making friends. All the best for 2016

  10. It must be so difficult to get a balance when it's your job as well. I tell myself I don't care about numbers, etc, but I still find myself agonising over my klout score and stuff! x #PoCoLo

  11. I loved this post... written with such honesty and warmth. I don't know how on earth you managed to publish up to three posts a day and manage to do anything else at all with your life. I'm far more selective with reviews and sponsored posts and will only accept something if it's a good match for my blog. It's the readers that matter at the end of the day isn't it?

  12. Hi Chantelle, three posts a day? I battle to write three posts a week. It must be hard to find a balance when you have the opportunity to make some money. Stepping back sounds like it was a good move for you, it's given you the chance to reevaluate what you want from your blog and why you write it.



  13. I totally agree. I have been blogging for almost 7 months and I really don't think the whole review thing is for me. I do exactly as you said and click straight out. The only exception is if the product or thing is of interest. It is very easy to say that when it's just a hobby and I appreciate that for many bloggers it is an income stream. I, like you, read, follow and comment according to enjoyment, interest and engagement factors. Not saying I wouldn't want to have writing opportunities but again, I agree that it has to come from the heart. Great post #PoCoLo Nicky

  14. I have had to take break as I was SO tired in the first few weeks of the pregnancy. It has been nice to take an enforced break and to actually say no to stuff, knowing that I can't commit to anything.

  15. Sometimes you need to take that step back to see the wood from the trees, don't you? I'm not knocking those who are driven my the numbers because they're trying to make an income from blogging but equally it's easy for us to get swept up by it all just because everyone else is doing it.

    As you say, good numbers are a nice ego boost, there's no denying that. But sometimes it is too easy to focus on getting lots of reviews and building follower numbers that it's easy to forget why we started in the first place. For me it's always been about the writing. I get maybe 200 approaches each year but I will do at most 4-5 reviews/paid posts and I absolutely will not accept pre-written content. This year I'm planning on doing none (well, maybe one or two that tickle my fancy) and I'm not doing any competitions or giveaways even though I know that will impact my traffic numbers. I know some people will think I'm mad or lying, but I've never cared much for the commercial side of blogging - it's just not my thing. But then that's also why I've never felt jaded about blogging, even after nearly 9 years - it's never been a job, just something I do because I love to write.

  16. I blog for a reason that is possibly different to most professional bloggers. I don't earn anything from my blog and it is purely there to promote the gite I own and because writing is just something I love doing. Naturally I want to see as many people as possible read my posts because each of those is a potential guest ... but it is more than that. There is no point having thousands of people following me if they have no interest in what I am writing about so give me 10 people who are genuinely interested rather than 100 who are just there to push the numbers up. And I can tell you something fro nothing - it you are one of those "buy followers" accounts that follow me on Twitter you will get blocked straight away! #pocolo

  17. It's amazing how much time goes into a blog isn't it, and I think you only realise how much when you step away from it. You're right, numbers are just numbers and it's much more important to be social and engage with your audience. Thanks so much for linking up to #PoCoLo and good luck! [Sorry if this is a duplicate comment, not sure if my first one went through!]

  18. I couldn't agree more! I only do sponsored posts if I really can make it work on my blog, so generally only a couple a year, I couldn't tell you what my DA/PA/followers are without checking and Tots rankings are all very nice but going from the 500s to the 100s hasn't made a difference to me whatsoever. I think that many bloggers become a slave to their blogs and personally, if I was to be working 7 days a week til 2am every night, I'd want to be earning enough to retire before I hit 40! It sounds like you've got your focus right, have a great 2016!xx


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