Wednesday 13 January 2016

The Book Of You Review

the book of you

I happened to mention on my blog at the start of the year that I wasn't making any resolutions, I don't deem them necessary, I'll make changes if and when I want to. Then I was recently selected by Mumsnet to review The Book of You and it occured to me that this is what this book is all about, small steps leading to bigger changes but done on your terms.
Get ready to start living a better life, for you.

Your life is the sum of the small actions you do every day and every choice you make is significant.

This book will empower you to make change happen - one micro action at a time. Because the small things really matter.

the book of you

Now I've never been one to endulge in self help books, I didn't even buy parenting books when I first became pregnant. I have always been a rather independent person and believe in making my own mistakes and learning from them. However The Book Of You stood out to me purely from the blurb because it actually made sense, our own actions result in changes happening regardless of how tiny that action may be to you or others.

This book talks about making change happen with the use of micro actions. This is just a small something you might do in a day like simply taking the stairs instead of using the lift, we're not about to start running marathons straight away! The micro actions in this book are broken down into four categories : food, mind, move and love and altogether there are 365 actions in the book which you can make use of.

the book of you

What stands out about this book is that it isn't forcing information down your throat and it isn't telling you how you should live your life, you are basically left to make it your own. If you don't fancy doing one of the micro actions you are free to skip it and move on to one more to your liking. It is a book you can delve in and out of but for a book so small it really does get you thinking about your own actions in daily life.

One of the actions calls for you to not do something. This might sound strange but for example imagine stepping away from social media for a day, how would you feel? It may give you a different perspective on how you use it, how often you use it etc.

the book of you

The Book Of You is positive and thought provoking, it is simple yet it inspires. I've left it sitting by my coffee table so I can pick it up when the moment takes me but also so others can have a little read of it too but the size of it allows you to perhaps pop it in your handbag and take it with you wherever you may go. 

The saying goes that good things come in small packages (like myself lol) and it really applies here, a small book filled with micro actions ready to show you that the small things really do matter.


  1. I'm not one for self help books either although this one appeals to me, small steps to achieve bigger goals sounds like a great way to go :)


  2. This sounds like a really good book. I'm also not really one for self help books but I like the idea of small steps leading to big things - much less daunting than setting yourself huge resolutions. This books sounds like it could help with that. Thanks for sharing #readwithme

  3. It's a great philosophy to concentrate on the small steps and let the journey take care of itself! Thanks for making me think :-) #readwithme

  4. This sounds interesting! Like you I don't go in for reading parenting or self-help books, but a bit of sensible advice you can pick and choose when you want sounds like a good idea.

  5. I loved this book too; it's on my desk right now! #readwithme

  6. Self helps books are not particularly my cup of tea either but I enjoyed The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin - it suited me perfectly. I guess its about finding the right mindset for you #readwithme

  7. I'm so undecided on self help books, I'm not sure they're my cup of tea but I've heard so much about this book lately. I think it's probably worth having a look at! Ray xx

  8. What an interesting concept. Not sure I'd read / use it right now, but interesting nonetheless. #readwithme

  9. I'm not sure this is something I would benefit from, probably look once then forget about it! But I like the idea of it though. Taking small steps every day #readwithme

  10. so now jamie oliver is teaching us how to live..groan..


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