Monday 28 March 2016

Read With Me 2016 #13


Hello you lovely lot and welcome to this weeks Read With Me. I hope you are all well and that you've been having a good Easter. Did any of you buy books instead of chocolate? I have to admit I didn't because I do love a good Easter egg mmm.
I have however been reading plenty. There are a couple of books I'd like to recommend this week, one is A Thousand By Kisses by Tillie Cole. Be warned this book is not for you if you don't like stories that make you cry because I found myself in tears through most of this one but despite of that it is a really great novel, one that gets you thinking!

The second book is called She Dims the Stars. This is one that covers the subject of depression and anxiety but it is told brilliantly. The author Amber L Johnson has written so other fab books so do check them out.

Now my favourite post last week came from Where Is My Mind Gone, she wrote a review for the book  We've Come to Take You Home by Susan Gandar, it sounds quite unique in its concept so I've popped it onto my TBR list.

Onto this weeks link up. If you are new round here then check out my Read With Me page to see what it's all about. Regulars can get linking (max of 2 posts), do comment on a couple of other posts and if you're feeling generous I'd love for you to display my badge.

Read With Me

Happy reading.


  1. I am a weeper in general so I am used to books making me cry even if they're not supposed to! I'll add it to my to read list. Thanks for hosting x

  2. I bought books AND chocolate, best combination I think! Thanks for hosting, hope you've had a lovely Easter x

  3. mmm chocolate and books! Thanks for hosting xx

  4. My post is a book tag so I would love for everyone to do it and share their answers :)

  5. Hi Chantelle! I had a great Easter. I hope you did too. Thanks for the book recommendations and for hosting another week of 'Read With Me'. Have a wonderful week! :D xx


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