Sunday 10 April 2016

My Sunday Photo 2016 #15


Ok so I don't think this weeks photo needs a lot of words I took it purely because what I saw made me go wow.
We were out shopping in Canterbury, Kent and I happened to notice what was illuminating the part of town that we were walking through. Lots and lots of umberellas lit up with fairy lights.

A little bit quirky but a whole lot clever, I loved all of the different coloured umbrellas, it was doing it's job of lighting up the area but I would also describe it as a form of art. Not something I would have ever thought of doing myself.


  1. That is quirky but I love it - those umbrellas are so cheerful and colourful :-)

  2. Definitely quirky but lots of fun. Coincidentally, we've just had a friend from Canterbury over for dinner tonight ... :-)

  3. I love ordinary objects used like this, what a great effect.

  4. It's fab! So cheerful and definitely something I would have photographed too.

  5. It looks so beautiful. And quirky - a good draw for getting people into the area to have a look. We've got a pub here that has umbrellas in their ceiling too

  6. What a great idea, how many people missed this by not looking up

    Thank you for linking up

  7. That is very quirky - and what a great idea. I love things like this. #MySundayPhoto

  8. They are so pretty. What a great idea.

  9. Oh I just love things like this, so so pretty and so unique. The people that design streets like this are amazing x

  10. So quirky and cool! It would have made me go wow too! In this photo, the lights almost look like huge raindrops on the umbrellas!

    Laura x x x

  11. That is so very pretty!!! Such a great idea!

  12. Nice touch! Colors on a gloomy day is always nice =)


  13. Very cute. Perfect for April showers!


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