Sunday 8 May 2016

My Sunday Photo 2016 #19


It's another one of those weeks where not a lot of words are needed, I just thought this view was one worth sharing.

This was taken in Folkestone, Kent and it yet again shows just how wonderful our local surroundings are.

We'd originally gone for a drive not knowing where we were going. It was just a random place to park up and walk around and it was made more interesting when a local walker told us to watch out for snakes, this made the girls a tad nervous!

Need to take more time out to enjoy these views, the sunny days that keep making an appearance  are definitely help. Although it was rather windy at the time of taking this photograph!

It's surprising all the areas we manage to find even now that we'd never previously discovered, are there certain places you like to visit purely for the views?


  1. What an incredible view, feels so calm and peaceful

    Thank you for linking up

  2. What a view! That is just beautiful x

  3. There is nothing quite like the coastline on a beautiful day

  4. A stunning view and gorgeous weather indeed! #mysundayphoto


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