Sunday 15 May 2016

My Sunday Photo 2016 #20


Another week, another view. A rather simple photo again this week. I'm sure I can't be the only one that loves a blue sky and when I see one I can't help but snap a quick photo of it.
I actually only came to admire the view when my six year old happened to point out the blossom growing on the trees at the park, also featured in the photo. I love that my kids notice the small things around them too, wonderful that they can appreciate nature.

It has definitely felt more like Spring recently, we've had more trips to the park and just generally getting outdoors and even better no need to wear a coat, am I alone in not liking to wear coats?

Anyway here's to more blue skies!


  1. It's so good that spring finally seems to have arrived. It's lovely that your daughter noticed the blossom.

  2. Beautiful photo, love seeing the blue sky this week

    Thank you for linking up

  3. It is so nice to see lots of blue sky!

  4. I love photos of trees with the sky. xx


  5. Gorgeous spring shot. It is amazing what kids point out and so observant X #mySundayPhoto

  6. Love taking photos of them too and when its gloomy its always a lift upper to look at them =) #mysundayphoto


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