Thursday 23 June 2016

How to Get Kids to #EnjoyMoreWater


As a parent I think I've always worried whether my children were drinking enough. It started when they were babies, the thought in the back of my mind of whether they'd had the correct amount of milk. Then as they progressed to solids, they seemed to concentrate more on the food rather than the drink. I was always told that they'd ask for water if they became thirsty.


I believe that I worry more because I myself am not the best when it comes to drinking. When I was younger I had a lot of UTI's due to lack of fluids in my system but my mum never found a solution to get me consuming any more liquids. And there lies the question, how do you get kids to drink more without plying them with lots of fizzy pop and juices filled with sweeteners and artificial flavourings?


Robinsons recently launched the #EnjoyMoreWater campaign as part of their mission to get Brits enjoying more water. The range of Robinsons squash'd contains no added sugar, is free from artificial colours and preservatives and they believe them to be a great way to help kids stay refreshed this Summer. I was kindly sent six flavours so that I could share ideas on just how I manage to keep my kids refreshed.

Now the flavours of squash tie in nicely with my first tip, let them pick the flavour. It's no good giving your child a drink if you know they won't like the taste. Giving them something they'll enjoy will always help. The Orange & Peach Robinsons Squash'd seemed to come out as firm favourite with my lot. I was always a fan of mixing squashes together, you know to make tropical flavour.


Another trick which I found worked with my children, allow them to choose the cup that they want to use. It's a simple thing but it certainly encouraged my three year old to pick up her cup more often. She's currently drinking out of a cup that looks more like a wine glass, imitating me perhaps.

Something else that will entice kids to drink, more so when at home, is letting them give you hand when making the drink. This task is definitely made easier with the Squash'd bottles as you simply squeeze them to add the flavour (less spillages). Gives your kids a bit of independence and makes them more inclined to ask to do it again when they've finished their drink.

If you don't want them making the drink you could always mix some up ready in a jug and allow them the job of pouring it into their cup when they're ready for more. 


One last tip that I find works a treat, again this one works really well in the Summer months. Make flavoured ice cubes to pop in their water. This means that they still get a hint of flavour within their drink but less of the sugars etc that you might worry about.

What are your tips for getting kids to enjoy more water?

This post is an entry for Britmums #EnjoyMoreWater challenge sponsored by Robinsons


  1. Ive seen these in the supermarkets and they are such a great idea! Glad your little ones enjoy them :)

  2. We like to add lemon and mint to ours.

  3. It's good to know there's no added sugar and artificial stuff, I really worry that my son doesn't drink enough because I drink loads of water, always have done! Love the idea if freezing them in ice cubes, will give these a go ��

  4. this is such a good idea, mine use to be ace at drinking water but not anymore Might have to try a few of these out,


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