Monday 13 June 2016

Read With Me 2016 #24


*waves*, welcome to this weeks Read With Me lovely people. I hope you're all well, back into the swing of things with the kids back at school? I know I am.

Now what books can I recommend this week. I really enjoyed Sloth by Ella James, it is a romance of sorts but going by the blurb it was totally unexpected with what direction it went in, a good surprise. I also read The Substitute by Denise Grover Swank which I found quite light hearted, a nice easy read to break up some of the longer ones I've been reading of late.

My favourite post linked up last week came from The Butterfly Mother with her review of Mr Moon Wakes Up . I absolutely adore the illustrations in this one.

Onto this weeks link up. If you are new do check out the Read With Me page. Regulars get linking (max of 2 post/videos), please comment on other posts and hopefully link back or display my badge which is below.

Read With Me

Happy reading.


  1. Thanks for hosting. I've linked up 2 this week. One from me and one from son1. Son2 has also done a review although that one not published yet, so it has been a busy reading week at our house

  2. Have linked up. Hope I did it right :-)

    1. You did indeed do it right, thanks for linking up :)

  3. I'm back into the swing of things, glad the kids are back at school but just remembered that BP is off on Friday for an inset day! Thanks for the recommendations and thanks for hosting. x


I love hearing from my readers so please feel free to leave comment.