Monday 8 August 2016

Read With Me 2016 #32

Hey everyone, welcome to this weeks Read With Me. How is everyones Summer holidays going? So the girls started their reading challenge last week and after two days they'd already read their two chosen books but I decided to wait until Friday to go back to the library to choose their next couple of stories each. Here's what they chose :

Where's Wally
Daisy and the Trouble With Piggy Banks
The Little Prince
Kate the Royal Wedding Fairy
Ghost Knight
Pom Pom the Champion (very fitting with the olympics)
Dog Loves Counting

They got given some collectors cards for completing their first part of the challenge, nice to get rewarded for doing something so good.

I managed to read a couple of books including Before You Go by Clare James and the emotional The Goodbyes by Leslie Welch.

My favourite post last week came from Yawning Tree Books with her review of the book Jellybean Goes to School, with my youngest starting primary school in September this one really appealed to me. 

On to this weeks link up. If you are new here do check out the Read With Me page to see what it is all about. Regulars get linking (max of 2 posts/videos), comment on some other posts and if you'd like you can display my below badge or link back.

Read With Me

Happy reading


  1. Glad to hear your girls are enjoying their reading challenge, it's such a good idea for the summer holidays.

  2. Thanks for hosting. I haven't managed to link up for a few weeks, so have linked up 2 this week and have plenty more waiting. The boys are doing the library challenge too


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