Sunday 25 September 2016

My Sunday Photo 2016 #39

This was a photo from last weekend. My husband had just created a purpose made shoe rack for our porch so the old shoe rack had been made redundant. We'd popped it into the garden while we decided what to do with it so of course the girls incorporated it into their pretend play.

At the moment that this photo was taken they were apparently sailing in a boat. I love how their imaginations can still take over, I think it is so important that kids remain kids. There seems to be such a focus on technology these days that it is a real joy to see children simply playing!


  1. Lovely photo! They look lost in their own little worlds :)

  2. Ahh! How lovely! It looks like they are having great fun x

  3. That's lovely they all play together. Great imagination

  4. Lovely photo. Looks like they are having a great time.

  5. Kids are so creative given half a chance, a great prop.

  6. I love how children can find enjoyment in the strangest of places

    Thank you for linking up


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