Wednesday 28 September 2016

Num Noms are Creating Wacky Bakers in the Kitchen

Num  Noms are fun and quirky collectable toys that all have wonderful scents, this allows your child/ren to mix and match the smells to create some delicious combinations. Now with the Great British Bake Off back on our televisions these cute treats are back with their aptly named campaign Wacky Bakers.

The idea behind this campaign for the kids to get creative in the kitchen, the twist is that what we make must be inspired by the series 2 Num Noms. Below are a couple of recipe suggestions which you can try with your own children.

My girls and I came up with a recipe idea of our own but I'll admit it isn't technically baking, we are sharing our recipe for our 'banana berrylicious nice cream. Simple to create all you need are four ingredients : 

2 frozen bananas
1 handful of blueberries
coconut milk
Marshmallow fluff for topping

With my trusty assistants to help me, this tasty combo takes literally minutes to whip up. All you need to do is place the bananas and blueberries in a blender, add the milk little by little as you want the mixture to remain quite thick. Once the nice cream has reached the right consistency place in a bowl and top it off with the marshmallow fluff.

What will the Num Noms inspire you to make?


  1. Yum! It looks like you all had great fun in the kitchen! What a great creation x

  2. My youngest would love these #triedtesed

  3. Thanks for sharing your review on #TriedTested this week x


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