Friday 16 December 2016

Elf on the Shelf 2016 Round Up 3

Half way through December and Buddy hasn't been as well behaved as he was in previous weeks, seems he's turned into a bit of a cheeky monkey. Still this Elf on the Shelf is definitely entertaining the kids. My eldest who is well aware that this is all make believe is having fun helping me set up each days antics with me.

Day ten

Seems Jovie fancied a wrap, a Buddy wrap to be precise.

Day eleven

Time to take a selfie with the elf?

Day twelve

I think the elves  got tired in the night so got himself comfy in a sock of all places.

Day thirteen

Naughty Buddy and Jovie wrapped up the girls lunch boxes.

Day fourteen

Caught in the cookie jar.

Day fifteen 

At least he's potty trained right?

Day sixteen

These two have made themselves a friend in the form of a Lush elf.

Next week my update will be on Saturday to allow me to fit in what Buddy gets up to on Christmas Eve morning. So come back Christmas Eve to see the final Elf on the Shelf update of the year.


  1. I can't Elf it. I find elves a bit creepy ;) #PoCoLo

  2. Ha - love that your oldest is getting involved with this. But so glad we didn't have these when I was growing up, goodness knows what he would have got up to in the 70s :) Thanks for sharing with #PoCoLo and for linking up with us during the year, we really appreciate it. here's to a fabulous 2017! xx


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