Sunday 11 February 2018

My Sunday Photo 2018 #6

Last Summer my husband took up a new hobby in the form of archery. He's become quite obsessed with it, spending every Sunday at a local club and today is actually his first competition. What has been nice about this new hobby is that my eldest has wanted to get involved too so it is something that they can actually do together.


The above photograph is from last weekend when my daughter was getting some one on one training to get her started. The seven year old actually had a go as well and it was something that they both really enjoyed doing, helped by the fact that they had biscuits on hand at break times! When the warmer weather comes, it will be an activity they can partake in outdoors too, getting them outside away from the TVs and computers at home.


  1. What a fantastic thing for them all to do. Good luck to your husband with his competition!

  2. What a fun thing to take up, I love the focus on this.

    I hope the competition goes well.

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  3. She looks like she has a lovely stance and eyeing her target perfectly.

  4. Archery always looks like so much fun.
    What a great hobby to have x

  5. Ooh I love archery! What a great hobby. Your daughter definitely looks like she's got the stance and will score a bulls-eye!


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