Monday 5 February 2018

Read With Me 2018 #5

Hello everyone, welcome to this weeks Read With Me, the first one in February! Thank you to everyone who linked up last week, as always very much appreciated.


I did well on my birthday a couple of weeks ago. Not only did my eldest daughter surprise me with a book that she'd bought me from her school library, I also bought myself a substantial pile to get through, trouble is deciding which one to read first.

My favourite post last week came from The Bear & The Fox with her selection of Scottish kids books, a great range.

On to the link up. Newbies do look at the Read With Me page, regulars get linking (max of 2 posts/videos), comment on a couple of other posts and perhaps consider displaying my badge of linking back somehow.

Read With Me

Happy reading.


  1. I love how you are so generous with this linky and not very rules bound at all. Also that I think of you and then pick up a book so you help make my life that bit happier too.


I love hearing from my readers so please feel free to leave comment.