Thursday 6 September 2018

Happy 'Tin' Years a Tenth Wedding Anniversary Story

Ten years, a whole decade! It sounds like a long time doesn't it but thinking back to my wedding all those years ago, I can remember it like it was yesterday and honestly I can't believe that today I'm celebrating my tenth wedding anniversary.

Happy 'Tin' Years


This time ten years ago I do believe I was actually walking around Tesco in my pyjamas with my maid of honour trying to figure out what to have for breakfast. I hadn't slept at all. Not through nerves but because I was excited, well that and the fact that I was sharing a bed with someone who was snoring rather loud!

I was never a bridezilla. In fact people were amazed by how calm I was on the day. Sitting scrolling through my Facebook posts, at one point you would have even found me sorting out my mum's hair when really I should have been having my own done. 

Fast forward ten years and what am I doing? Getting four children ready for school. When we got married we only had two children, at the time they were two and seven months old. So yeah the number of kids doubled since getting married. What I really wanted to be doing today was renewing my vows but you know the one, money and time just don't allow for what I want all the time. 

Reasons for wanting to renew my vows? Well firstly it would have been nice to have all my girls see me marrying their dad. Secondly, I actually feel better about myself now, back then I'd only just had a baby and I look back at photos and wish I could have been a few pounds lighter (trivial I know).

But enough about my dreams, the question is what's it like, ten years of marriage?

10 Years, 120 Months, 522 Weeks, 3652 Days, 87, 658 Hours 5, 259, 000 Minutes . . .

Well just as the word tin seems to represent, it's practical, useful even, able to be adapted over time as our lives move in differing directions. Ten years of being married to my husband has been a journey, something not always predictable. There have been pregnancies, house moves and job changes. Our marriage has sort of rolled with the punches.

But one thing has remained a constant, our love for each other. Because I'll be honest, it hasn't always been a bed of roses. We've had our arguments, disagreements but as the vows state, for better and for worse we've continued to work for that love to keep flourishing.

We were actually having a discussion the other day about our relationship, we're always planning for those later years, not that I'm wishing our lives away but we think about the future often. You know the moments when the kids have all moved out, when we finally have some time just for us. Because we fell pregnant three months into our partnerships so never got time to just be us.

As seems to be the norm these days, both our sets of parents ended up divorced and as much as that seems to be modern life, we really want to grow old and annoying together, just like our grandparents. 

I think our marriage gets better with age.

A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other!

So on this day, my wedding anniversary I want my husband to know that I loved you then, I certainly love you know and I will definitely love you always. Our wedding day was one of the best days of my life. It wasn't anything extravagant, it was quite simply us. And I've been fortunate to have even better days with him since then.

In answer to that earlier question, what is ten years of marriage like? I guess it's like a never ending adventure, an unpredictable rollercoaster that doesn't sweep you off your feet instead it keeps them grounded in the best of ways.

My husband isn't a hopeless romantic, he doesn't surprise me a lot and I may have to remind him of certain important dates but what he does give me is a permanent shoulder to lean on, an abundance of support and he loves me in a way that no-one else could. I could never be without him, life would be far too empty.

I'll end this post by wishing my husband happy anniversary, here's to the next ten years of unpredictability.

A wedding anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any given year.


  1. Congratulations! Nowadays feels nothing lasts. I've got married last year on the day we've celebrated 10 years of living together. I would stay it's all about trust and companionship. I believe that if we survived 16m of no sleep and my post partum anxiety we are ready to rock it all together. And I do want to grow old together with him, like my grandparents who have more than 50 years together :) cheers to that


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