Friday 7 September 2018

Wedding Anniversaries and Back to School Blues #weeklyroundup

Hello there. He we are, a full week into September and I tell you what I'm already reminiscing about the summer holidays. The kids have only been back at school since September and I already miss them immensely. The house is just too quiet, missing an air or kids arguing and the sounds of, I'm hungry are like a thing of the past. I can't be the only one who is already counting down the days until the half term holidays? 

This week seems to be a tale of two halves. The start, preparing for the impending school days. I had to go into school Tuesday for annual safeguarding training whilst my second eldest, who was due to sit both the Kent test and the local grammar test was trying to do last minute revision and we were all  desperately attempting to make the most of the days we had left. I'd already sorted uniform (including labelling), and we'd topped up the stationery so the plan was to simply chill.

My grandparents visited on Monday and I also had to take my poor youngest daughter back to the doctors because her ear infection had failed to clear up after a week of being on antibiotics. And then this second half has been back to the usual routine. Alarms, work and the general day to day goings on oh and not forgetting my tenth wedding anniversary yesterday!


At the start of the week I was still helping my daughter with revision so I read through quite a lot of test papers. What's funny is that I've still got the ability to do them, I thought I wouldn't understand them but I found myself able to answer questions with relative ease.

Book wise, you can see my review for Eight Goodbyes here which is one of my favourite reads this year. And I've also started reading the latest Jodi Picoult book which is currently available on Netgalley to request.


After several people recommending it to me, I finally got around to watching Unforgotten, more because it popped up on my Netflix feed but still. It makes for some addictive viewing, so the recommendations were spot on.


I watched all three series in 4 days, it was that good! Hooray for ITV hub because I don't know if I could waited to watch the third series after getting so engrossed in the first two. I think what I liked was that it was more like the crime novels I read, the plot so cleverly thought out that you find yourself changing your mind about who done it every episode, sometimes a couple of times during the episode.

Oh and lets not forget that The Great British Bake Off and X Factor are back on our TV screens, the count down to Christmas has begun!


A chorus of groans as the alarms went off this week and children had to be woken up at 7am instead of casually waking up at 9am. Not going to lie even I found it hard. I'm always up early anyway but it's the thing of actually having to get moving, put clothes and make it out of the door by 8.30am. I am not a fan of the morning rush.



One thing that I do like about the children going back to school is the ease of them being in a uniform. No time wasted trying to decide what to wear that day and of course the other advantage is that my washing pile decreases because they don't have ability to change what they are wearing two or three times a day.


What I am struggling with is what to wear myself. We are in that in-between seasons stage where it isn't quite cold enough for full blown autumn outfits but it also isn't warm enough to be wandering around in summer clothing. At one point I was wearing a jumper and flip flops.


Well I've made another attempt at getting a full time job. Putting in an application for a teaching assistant job at another school. Keeping everything crossed that I'm at least successful in getting to the interview stage. 

Funnily enough if I were to get the job I'd actually be working at the same place as my mother in law.

And that's my first week of September rounded up nicely.

The husband and I are now off for a weekend in London whilst my lovely Mother looks after the kids. We don't often get time together without the children. These days it is either me or him out while the other looks after the girls so this is quite a novelty. We've booked a hotel for two days and plan on just seeing where our feet take us.

But before our fun I'll be ringing up my lovely second daughter to wish her luck for her second test which is tomorrow morning, I just know she's going to smash it!!

Happy first week of September everyone.

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