Friday 23 November 2018

Mince Pies and Winter Warmers #weeklyroundup

Hello you lovely lot, how are we all this week? Well I hope. I feel like this time of year I don't have a lot of time to just sit and be. Even this weekly round up post seems rushed, like I don't have enough hours in the day to fit in writing it. Between myself and the kids, there seems to be things in the diary for almost every day of the week running up to Christmas. Not helped by the fact that I have children in both primary and secondary school.

I think this is partly why I am so organised, I think my mum was the same and I learned those skills quite well. Juggling various day to day activities and errands balanced with those surprise appointments and jobs that decide to pop up when you least expect them. I'm honestly shocked that I haven't managed to double book myself yet!

But despite the minutes and seconds ebbing away, I have put together a short round up for those of you that might be interested . . .


After starting Kingdom of Ash last week (a big 980 pages long), I finally managed to complete it. Although that seemed bittersweet as it was the final instalment of the series, feeling like I might re-read them all quite soon.

I'm now part way through a new novel called Opposite of Always by Justin a. Reynolds, it won't be released officially until next April but I can already tell that it will be a book well worth buying, very funny indeed.


I've never really been a fan of I'm a Celebrity but I have actually taken the time out to watch it this year. More because there's nothing else to watch but also because I've seen a lot mentioned about it over social media, in particular about Anne and the highlighting of autism. It's quite refreshing to see something positive come out of a reality TV show rather than backlash and negativity that normally clouds these programmes.

I also got to tuck into a limited edition pizza from Papa Johns, with an ostrich topping, it was their version of a bush tucker trial!


I finally heard back from a job I applied for and it's good news for a change, I got the job, I've had all my checks done and I'll start full time work in January. Scared and happy all at the same time. If I wasn't busy already I certainly will be.

What a way to start the new year!


Ok, I need to admit something to myself, I think I may have a problem.

It's not a problem per-say but maybe a slight addiction is how I'll put it. What to you may ask, well if you're not already addicted too, you might want to have a taste of all of the mince pies that Aldi have to offer.

I've made a few trips round to my local Aldi, it's literally 2 minutes from my house and each time I come out with another box of mince pies. My favourite so far has to be the Black Forest ones.



I admitted defeat this week. Not only did the heating go on, the hat, gloves and scarf made an appearance too. The temperatures have really dropped haven't they. There's even been hints of snow in the sky much to my kids excitement.

And lastly . . .

Two out of four children have friends sleeping round today so we have pizza creating and cake making planned whilst they are here. I think I may well leave them to it and just be around for the taste testing afterwards!

In-between that it looks like the husband may have to work tomorrow (bbboooooo), so in that case it will be very much a lazy weekend for us. Not that I'm complaining, I'm thinking Christmas films, lots of sweet goodies and snuggles under blankets.

Have you got exciting plans for the weekend? 

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