Monday 8 April 2019

Read With Me 2019 #14

Hello and welcome to this weeks Read With Me. I'll start how I always do by thanking all of those who linked up their review post last week. I really enjoy reading each and every one of them.


The Easter holidays have officially begun and am looking forward to some quiet days with my girls and hopefully a chance to catch up on some reading. 

My Netgalley reading list is increasing by the week so I really need to make a dent in that if I can.

How many books have you got to read at the moment?

Now my favourite post last week came from Inside Out, such a selection of books that she read in March.

On to the link up. Newbies do look at the Read With Me page, regulars get linking (max of 2 posts/videos), comment on a couple of other posts and perhaps consider displaying my badge of linking back somehow.

Read With Me

Happy reading.


  1. Thank you for mentioning my post. Hopefully I will get to read a good selection this month too. Happy Easter!

  2. I bought another 4 books from the charity shop last week, despite having already a 'to be read' pile that has enough books on it for me to read 1 a week for the rest of the year!


I love hearing from my readers so please feel free to leave comment.