Thursday 13 June 2019

Teen Breathe Life Guides Book Review

Way back in December I had the pleasure of reviewing Breathe Journals from the makers of bestselling magazines Breathe and Teen Breathe. These journals were designed as an aid to making simple, gradual changes that will have you not only learning new things on a daily basis but feeling more at peace with yourself and the world around you.

Since then they have put together the 'BE YOU' series of books: Be Calm, Be Brave, Be Kind and Be Happy


These are pocket sized guides aimed at teenagers to help them be the happiest and healthiest version of themselves. 

Be Your Best Self Every Day - #BeYou

Now my eldest daughter is a fully fledged teenager so as a parent I was keen to see just what they had to offer and actually what I discovered when flicking through the pages was that they could actually benefit not only teenagers but parents and teachers too.

Packed full of expert advice and quite frankly stunning illustrations, these guides offer gentle support to those in need. 

Help teenagers find their inner peace with these indispensable pocket-sized guides.

Of course this wouldn't be a proper review if I didn't let the teen herself read the guides and share with you her thoughts and opinions so I shall leave you in the capable hands of Elise.

The Teen Breathe books are an absolute joy to read. Not only have I already recommended these to a number of my friends, I've actually found them very helpful myself.

One of my favourite parts of these titles is the design and structure. The illustrations are gorgeous and the little quotes scattered throughout the pages are a nice addition. 

A quote that I really liked was:

 "Weeds are flowers too, once you get to know them" by A. A. Milne

All of these little details really bring the points together nicely.


Another thing that I came to appreciate is how the authors were clearly thinking outside of the box with their subjects. For example, Be Kind showed being kind to yourself as well as others and Be Happy showed that in actual fact it's ok not to be happy sometimes. It makes each chapter more diverse and interesting rather than focusing on one thing.

Lately I actually came to use these books in real life, ie putting them into practice not just reading them. One of my friends felt left out from a group and I ended up showing her the chapter in the Be Brave guide called Take Three Friends and in the end they all made up.

Even the front covers of these books are helpful, we had a day in school when we were having a set of jabs and I was showing some of my peers the tiger on the Be Brave cover giving them a nudge to be brave like the tiger.

These books really do translate from the pages into actual situations and I'm extremely appreciative of that.

I would recommend these to anyone but especially fellow teenagers. They are both a delight to read and to share with others. I've been inspired by them frequently and I hope they can do the same for others.


Lets be honest modern life is stressful. Exams are becoming tougher, friendships tested more because of the online world, anxiety is unfortunately extremely common amongst teens and young adults these days so to have a tool such as this could literally be a life saver!

Like my daughter, I highly recommend the Be You collection of books, informative, mood boosting and empowering. Take a look today.


  1. These look great and super supportive for teens! #ReadwithMe

  2. These sound really good. I might see if I can get them for my daughter. Although this sounds silly, but I'm unsure about getting her to read something like this when life is going well. I would worry that thinking about things too deeply might make her see problems where they didn't previously exist. Does that make sense?!

  3. I think my teen would find these really helpful as well. Last school year was a nightmare with different friendship groups changing dynamics. It seemed every day brought a new drama. I'm hoping the Summer holidays will give everyone a chance for a fresh start.

  4. Great review from your daughter. Yes I like the sound of these. Wondering if son1 would find them useful too

  5. These sound absolutely brilliant - such a good idea! #readwithme


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