Monday 31 August 2020

Read With Me 2020 #35

 Hello lovely readers.

Welcome to this weeks Read With Me.

The final one of August and the last one of the summer holidays too.

As the holidays draw to a close and the thought of colder weather starts to draw in I thought I'd share with you a few picture books I was sent recently that I think would be good for cosy times reading.

Lets start with my favourite:
Frog Boots

Dylan didn't want to start a new school with the same old stuff. But mom wouldn't buy: the ginormous backpack, the camo underwear, the scratch and gag stickers. Shopping stunk. Dylan dragged his feet along like bricks until...

This book looks at the idea of gender, how certain things, colours etc. are perceived as suitable only for boys or girls, not both. A great teaching tool showing everyone that you don't have to conform just because society wants you to. It looks at the ideas behind being confident and not letting other people's opinions shape who you are.


It's dinnertime in the monster house! And what a feast - there's frizzle frazzle hotchy potch, mushy gushy bloobarsh, and even yumptious chickamoo! But will the baby try a bite of anything? Nerp! How can this picky eater ever find something to slurp?

Fussy eaters, this one is for you!

With fun, expressive illustrations and bold, quirky made up language, this story will have your child saying yerp to their food in no time.

When Grandpa Gives You a Toolbox

What should you do when grandpa gives you a toolbox for your birthday?

More kids should read this book. I love the idea of children being practical instead of spending all their times on computers or glued to TV screens. The story is simple yet effective, showing children just how amazing it can be to be independent, to learn skills that you might not be taught in schools and most importantly to think outside of the box!

Now changing subject slightly, my favourite post last week came from Carole with her review of You Should See Me in a Crown.

On to the link up. If you'd like to know more about this linky do visit my Read With Me page. For all regular linkers you know the drill, max of two posts and please make the effort to comment on others. You can of course share my badge below:

Read With Me

Happy reading.


I love hearing from my readers so please feel free to leave comment.