Hey there lovely readers, welcome to this weeks Read With Me.
How are you all finding lockdown part two? I hope no-one is struggling too much. Working at a school, things haven't changed to drastically for me (no extra time to read).
In book news I've just finished reading Girl, Woman, Other - review to come this week - took me a while to get through this one.
My favourite post last week came from Sarah with her review of the book Breaking & Mending. It went straight on my TBR list.
On to the link up. If you'd like to know more about this linky do visit my Read With Me page. For all regular linkers you know the drill, max of two posts and please make the effort to comment on others. You can of course share my badge below:

Thanks very much for choosing my review as your favourite for last week. Lockdown 2 doesn't feel very different to me either - I'm still working at home and the kids are at school, although my eldest is working at home.