Saturday 26 November 2022

The Hanged God Trilogy Blog Tour

 I'm a huge fan of Neil Gaiman so when I saw the The Hanged God trilogy was being pitted against such an esteemed author, I couldn't resist signing up for this blog tour.

Here's the blurb for the first book of the trilogy . . . 

A dead man, walking between the worlds, foresees the end of the gods.

A survivor searching for a weapon releases a demon from fiery Muspelheim.

A village is slaughtered by Christians, and revenge must be taken.

The bonds between the gods and Midgard are weakening. It is up to Hilda, Ragnar, their tribesmen Einer and Finn, the chief’s wife Siv and Tyra, her adopted daughter, to fight to save the old ways from dying out, and to save their gods in the process.


Now with the third book having finally been released - Slaughtered Gods - we can all enjoy an epic conclusion to a Norse style fantasy.

Let the final battle commence!

Thilde Kold Holdt has done an immense job of creating a mythical setting that draws you in and that world building has continued steadily throughout each novel. 

I certainly didn't want to leave Ragnarok.

And now the end is here and I can tell you it was worth the wait.

I felt throughout the story as a whole that we were getting an authentic Viking experience, an adventurous type of historical fiction that felt unbelievably real.

Still packed with Gods and monsters, we continue to see characters evolve and grow and for me, it was a satisfying conclusion.

How the author managed such seamless transition between each novel is beyond me.

With an abundance of POV's, all slotted into nine realms, the challenging threads that have been gradually weaved all tied up neatly (hence the satisfying ending). 

I'm not sure anyone could have guessed what sides would be chosen and just where those considered main characters would find themselves. Emotionally charged and highly unexpected in the best of ways.

There aren't many trilogies that can keep such a thrilling pace.

Climax reached!

If you're a fan of a bit of mythology, this is a re-telling that can perhaps make you appreciate some of the original stories more.

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