Tuesday 4 September 2012

Pushchair testing

Well if any of you know me you will know that I am addicted to pushchairs, whether it be pushing them or just reading up on the latest releases.

Now have any of you heard of Pushchair Trader??? If you haven't let me explain. This is an amazing site run by some amazing people that offers you the chance to read reviews on the latest pushchairs, sell your own pushchairs on there for free and they run loads of competitions which include some exclusive prizes!!!!

Now the lovely people at Puschair Trader also run a VIP scheme. This means that you pay £10 for the whole year, yes you read right, that is less than 20p week. Your VIP status earns you automatic entry into every competition they run, that means you never miss out. It also gives you access to £100's worth of brilliant discount codes and if that wasn't enough it also gives you the opportunity to apply to test pushchairs and this is exactly what I did.

I was lucky enough to be picked as one of four people to test the Mutsy Evo for 12 months, these reviews are put on Pushchair Traders living with section their site http://www.pushchairtrader.co.uk/en/living-with/

I've only had it a couple of weeks but myself and the kids are really enjoying being part of the Pushchair Trader team :)

At the moment they are asking for testers for stunning cosatto giggle.

Has any of this got you interested in becoming a VIP?? Why not take a look for yourself            http://bit.ly/HDVZuc


  1. It's gorgeous!! I've applied to test the Britax B Agile and have everything crossed as hubby won't let me buy another lol

  2. haha my hubby was the same!!!! he couldn't say anything when i said i didn't need to pay for this one. fingers crossed you get picked x

  3. I'm your newest follower =D
    Stop by sometime.

    Lotte xoxo


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