Wednesday 25 September 2013

Chocolapps Review

I am always on the look out for new apps that the kids can play on the iPad but specifically ones where they can learn as they play.

Chocolapps are a company that produce and publish interactive children's apps and they have been doing so for over three years now.

Aimed at children aged between three and twelve years old, their catalog includes over 30 different applications that are then broken down into three categories :

The Kid-eBooks - which includes tales like The Little Mermaid, Pinocchio and Robin Hood.

The Kid-eLearns - children can learn about educational subjects such as the human body, space and much much more.

The Kid-eGames - this includes things like puzzles and hide & seek.

chocolapps logo

All of the applications are available in seven different languages : English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese, making them suitable to a big audience.

I was sent codes to download four different applications, two eBooks, an eLearn app and an eGame app.

The two books we downloaded were : The Little Mermaid and Cinderella, these choices went down well with my girls because they are huge princess fans!! The stories are read clearly and the words are highlighted as they read, this makes it a lot easier for your children to follow the story. What I loved the most was that there was an option to click on words when the story was paused and you are given a dictionary definition of what they mean, this was great for me as I sometimes struggle to know exactly how to word things when I am asked what the meaning of something is. There is also an option for younger children which is "show me" and instead of getting a worded explaination, you get a picture to show you what something is. This makes the app appropriate for all age groups, a nice learning tool no matter how old they are.

The eLearn app that I downloaded was, The Little Market. This game is aimed at learning mathematical skills. You have to pick items of fruit and veg from the market stalls and pop them in your basket, it then shows you how much your total spend comes to and you have to work out what change needs to be given to pay. This was good for my 5 year old as she is just learning this sort of thing and it was like a refresher for my 7 year old. Not as suitable for younger children however my three year old did enjoy putting the items in the basket.

The eGame app that I downloaded was, Hide and Seek. Simple yet effective, it was a game that all three of my children sat and done together. This game made them sit down and concentrate, you can easily zoom in to make it simpler to find certain objects and each level you complete then unlocks a new level, giving them a liitle more of an incentive to do it.

I loved these apps. I feel that they help your children learn and develop whilst remaining fun. A lot of the apps are free to download so you won't get a better excuse to try them out. The only real negative for me is that at the the moment they are only available on iPads and iPhones, for me personally that is great as I have both but it would be nice to see a smartphone version bought out so that others can enjoy the apps too. 


Disclaimer : I was sent these apps free of charge for reviewing purposes however all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. The apps sound great and your children look completely engrossed in what they are doing so must have enjoyed using them!

    1. they were really concentrating, they worked together nicely too x

  2. Looks like great fun but mush admit to expecting a chocolate review lol

  3. looks like fun for the little ones

  4. We are not I-padded up in our family yet! #dinosaurs

    1. Are you Androided? ;)
      Jordann from Chocolapps

  5. Sounds like a great ap, will have to keep an eye out for it. Thanks for sharing x

  6. Those apps look very interesting, I love the idea of show me.

  7. They sound great, I'm always on the look out for apps for the kids so I will check those out!

  8. I have heard quite a bit about these and they do sound great! May have to give it a try!

  9. Thanks for all your nice comments!
    We hope you will love our apps!

    Jordann from Chocolapps


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