Tuesday 14 January 2014

Jar of Words

One of my goals for this year is to spend more time with my children and if you read my post last week about my word of the week, you will know that I am keen to create more lasting memories with my children.

I took on the challenge at the begininning of the year to join in with project 365, taking a picture every day of the year, well actually I am taking atleast one as I am trying to get images of all my children each day. The trouble is that a photo can only capture so much and I think sometimes words can mean more.

Just before new year, an image popped up on Facebook, it basically said to write down something that happens each day, whether it be something funny said, an achievement made, whatver you like. Once you have written it down, fold it up and pop it in a jar.

So I decided to take on this challenge too. I mean with photos to look and words to read surely my poor not working brain will be able to remember atleast some of what we have done by the time the year ends.

I have a pad of paper and a pen in my bedroom and at the end of the day I sit and think about what has gone on and what stood out in the day for me. I write the date on each one so I can remember exactly when the moment occurred.

Rather than cutting the strip out and folding it each day, I have been saving them until the end of the week and doing a batch at a time, that way I also get to look back at what I have written for the week that has just gone.

My little jar is starting to fill up nicely, I am now on the look out for a bigger jar to contain all of my words in.

jar of words

I'm looking forward to the end of the year, with the photos to look at and the jar of words to read, it will be a lovely time to reflect and reminisce.



  1. This is such a lovely idea! :) x

    1. it has been tricky narrowing it down to just one thing on some days!! x

  2. That is such a lovely idea!! Going to have to steal it :-)

  3. A lovely idea, we have a jar like this too! x #MagicMoments

    1. Thanks for commenting, it is a lovely idea isn't it x

  4. awww honey what a really super idea!! i love it!

    thanks for sharing and linking up with #MagicMoments

  5. What a cute idea. Have you managed to keep up with it so far?


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