Thursday 15 January 2015

4 Overnight Oats Flavour Combinations

Overnight oats, a simple to make breakfast that is not only delicious but nutricious too. This convinient "summer porridge" can be made into so many different flavours and is perfect if you have little time in the mornings.

overnight oats

I can't believe I didn't discover this sooner.

I eat a lot of porridge but I struggle during the week to find the time to make myself breakfast after I have helped make the kids breakfast and get them washed and dressed for school. These refrigerator oats take all the thought out of it for me because I make them in advance meaning all I need to do is just grab them out of the fridge whilst I wait for the kettle to boil.

Extremely easy to make, all you need is a mason jar and these three basic ingredients :

Rolled Oats

I also like to add chia seeds into the mix because they are high in protein, amongst other health benefits.

The recipe I use to create my initial mixture :

1/4 cup rolled oats
1/4 greek yoghurt
1/3 cup skimmed milk
Tsp chia seeds (white or black)

Preparing takes next to no time :

Spoon all the ingredients into your chosen container and stir them all together.

You can top up the mixture with any fruit or nut that you like. This keeps them from getting boring as you can have something different every day of the week if you really want.

Here are 4 different flavour combinations that I have now tried and tested :

Apple & Cinnamon - After the initial preparation add in 1 tsp of ground cinnamon and 1 n 1/2 tsp of apple sauce, stir and leave in the fridge. When you're ready to eat dice up a small apple and add to the porridge, top with raisins.

apple and cinnamon overnight oats

Banana & Peanut Butter - Make the basic mixture then stir in a tsp and a half of peanut butter. Now add half a cut up banana. Pop in the fridge to absorb the flavours. Top with more banana when ready to eat.

banana and peanut butter overnight oats

Strawberry & Vanilla - Prepare the oats. Cut up three strawberries and pop them into the mixture along with a tsp of vanilla essence. Store in the fridge and when ready to eat add more strawberries on top.

strawberry and vanilla overnight oats

Cherry & Almond (cherry bakewell) - After mixing up the oats, milk and yoghurt add in a tsp of almond essence, a handful of chopped up cherries and a tsp n a half of chopped up almonds.

This breakfast is ideal for anyone who has a hectic morning schedule. These individual breakfasts can be made in advance and will last anywhere between 2-5 days in the fridge depending on your choice of container. The only problem I have is choosing which flavour to make!!

Do you have any other tantilising flavour combinations? Please share in the comments below.



  1. oooh love this idea, such a time saver. I need some fancy jars like that though. Loving your flavours

  2. Look like a great idea for my porridge loving baby.


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