Saturday 28 March 2015

Project 365 2015 Week 13

I thought it was supposed to be Spring. I was looking forward to getting some more scenic photos for project 365 but the majority of this week has been filled with cold and rainy weather, this did nothing for my mood!!

It hasn't been all doom and gloom though. I had an update for Layla at playschool and she is hitting all of her targets, even though she can be a tad bossy shall we say. And I also had an update for Elise and even though she is in year 4, she is already working at a year5/6 level in all subjects, got her mums brains ;)

Day 81

Makeover time. Elise had over 6 inches cut off her hair, something I wasn't keen on doing but the smiles after made it worth it.

Day 82

The girls were playing dress up and Gracie decided to put on Layla's dressing gown.

Day 83

If the girls can have plaits surely I can to? So I was rocking the wavey hair look, and then it rained!!

Day 84

School disco day and looking more grown up by the second.

Day 85

This has become Layla's favourite place to sit.

Day 86

I purchased something for myself, this doesn't happen often.

Day 87

We've spemt the morning walking and exploring, we weren't going to let the cold weather deter us from getting outdoors for a change. I was really impressed when all the girls started attempting to climb trees, braver than me!!


TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. That's a lovely necklace. I rarely buy anything for myself either.

  2. I love the wavy hair and that necklace is lovely. I really like the last picture the best though. They all look so happy :)

  3. Nice to buy yourself something you really want, its a nice necklace.
    Love the tree climbing, all kids should climb trees, love the spotty willies.
    Love Layla's face on the worktop.
    Sometimes they do need their hair cut, looks good.

  4. Hope the weather improves for you this week but glad to see its not stopping you getting out. Nice pressie to yourself :)

  5. Love that necklace! The tree climbing is fab, and Elise's hair looks great. Must have been a bit nerve wracking though :)

  6. That was a very brave move to have that much hair cut off! My daughter wants hers down to the back of her knees! I'm not usually a fan of jewellery, but I love that necklace. Fab photo of the girls up the tree :)

  7. Very cute necklace, wishing it to be your lucky amulet which will inspire you to write a book. Lovely photos of your girlies, especially the one on the tree. I wish I could climb on the tree, like I did as a kid, it is such an exhilarating feeling

  8. I love the past group photo in the tree, even your youngest is just in it in the corner. And you rock those plaits, why the hell not?

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  9. She looks so happy with her hair cut and you totally rock curls

  10. She looks so happy with her hair cut and you totally rock curls


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