Wednesday 27 December 2017

The Teddy Bear 5 Book Review

My girls love their cuddly toys. Their beds are covered in, no matter how many times I try to thin out their collection, more always manage to keep appearing. These cuddly toys aren't just for cuddling, oh no they make great play mates too but what do these stuffed toys get up to when we aren't in the house to see? This is a question that is being answered by author V.F. Gallagher in her children's book The Teddy Bear 5.


Have you ever imagined what your favourite cuddly toys get up to when you head out to school in the morning?

The Teddy Bear 5 is a magical set of books which tell the story of five very different, loveable, cuddly best friends who, when nobody else is around, set out to explore and have great adventures together.

So lets talk about The Teddy Bear 5, they are : Leo the Lion, Blue Rabbit, Smartie, Doggy and Marshall Bear. Each cuddly toy unique with their own characteristics. What I like straight away is that your children can pick which toy they like the most, the one that perhaps reminds them of themselves or perhaps the one that they would enjoy being like.


What you get as you read is on appearance a simple story but actually it is much more than that. Kids get the chance to learn things as they read. From the idea of kindness, looking out for one another to problem solving and team work. This is what I love about books because they have the power to be so much more than just words on a page.


As the tale progresses you can see just how a child's imagination will be captured and you can start questioning them on what they might have done if they were there with the cuddly toys, how could they help, would they have done anything differently. And if you want to extend the story further you could always set up your own Teddy Bear 5 and take them on an adventure of their own, will they be good or will they cause mischief on their journey.


The Teddy Bear 5 is a wonderfully sweet tale. With lessons to be learnt and fun to be had, it is a children's book that can really capture little ones imaginations and getting them thinking outside of the box, why not go and a grab yourself a copy of the book today.


  1. Love the picture of the bear with his arm around the other bear! It's great how children's books do give kids these subtle important messages while they are enjoying a story.

  2. This book looks absolutely adorable, I love the way that 'real toys' are used to tell the story :o)


  3. Great idea, our toys are always moving when we not in and I always have to run round at bedtime to find the right ones so I think the kids would love this! #readwithme

  4. What a lovely story. I always get into trouble when I call my boys' cuddly toys "teddies". They correct my to say they are their "children", but I don't like it when they go one step further and say that makes me their grandmother. Argh

  5. This sounds like a perfect story for little ones as they all know that their cuddly toys are really real right ;) #readwithme

  6. I love the use of photos in this book - though at first I thought they were little toys that came with it! Now wouldn't that be fun?! #readwithme

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