Wednesday 1 August 2018

Splash Day! Book Review

I don't know about you but I have always been a huge fan of Nick Sharratt. He is a multi-award-winning illustrator but also a phenomenal author and I've enjoyed many moments with my children reading his books and laughing over the pictures he creates.

And now he is back with his debut Little Gems book for Barrington Stoke. Splash Day! is an ideal book for children aged 4 and above, transitioning them into longer worded books, helping them to begin reading out loud whilst still enjoying the visual images that we've come to know and love.


Hip hip hooray!

It's Splash Day today and everyone is ready for a water fight!

They've got their trunks and wetsuits, wellies and rubber rings. Even the teachers are going to join in.

Lets see what happens when Mrs Thistle blows her whistle!

The bright yellow of the front cover is instantly inviting, beckoning anyone who picks it up to open it and explore what's within.

Before the story even begins hidden inside the front sleeve are some truly funny, water related jokes guaranteed to get your little ones laughing out loud as well as building their intrigue for what they might find when they turn the pages.

What runs but never walks? Water!

Splash Day! begins with a paddling pool on the playground and various other pieces of equipment that appear to be water related but where is everyone?

Getting prepared for the best day of the year of course.


What I like is that the reason behind Splash Day! is because the children have worked so hard all year that this is their combined reward for making such an effort. This gives out a message to the kids reading this book that hard work pays off.

Remember please, no aiming at the face and under the tree is a water-free safe place.

All the pupils and teachers get involved and you may have a chuckle or five at the attire of some of them. Shower caps and wetsuits, wellies and rubber rings. Everyone is prepared, ready and waiting for that whistle to be blown.

This really is a delight for young readers, just perfect for this time of year.

With the teachers joining in too, what I think it also shows younger children is that the adults appreciate a break now and then as well.



Short sentences along with bold illustrations are a great combinations for key stage one aged children, they allow pupils of any ability to enjoy the story, it is super readable!

Nick Sharratt has managed to create something simple yet highly entertaining with Splash Day! Inspired by Nick's visit to school that actually holds an annual Splash Day, it is a book which offers fun and happiness to all who are lucky enough to read it.

My youngest daughter has now requested to take it into school so that she can share it with all of her friends.


  1. I've not heard of Nick Sharratt, but I do love the illustrations.

  2. I love Nick Sharratt too! I was so happy when he tweeted me once :) I've read one of his books for this age group before and it was very good. I'm sure my niece would love this one too.

  3. This sounds a fun book. The illustrations look fab

  4. I love Nick Sharratt, mostly due to my obsession with Jacqueline Wilson books when I was younger. This would be perfect for my eldest who is learning to read #readwithme


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