Tuesday 22 July 2014

J is for ….. Jenga

The letter J, what could it possibly stand for?? Jelly, jumping, jacket, juice, jewel, so many possibilities.

I finally settled on one of our favourite games.

So this weeks alphabet project photo stands for Jenga.


I have always loved this game and when the kids were old enough I bought a mini version for us to play together.

The only problem at the moment is that Layla wants to knock it down straight away.

Think I need to look into getting the bigger version now :)



  1. This is a fab games. It keeps the kids occupied for ages :-) x #AlphabetPhoto

  2. Jenga what a brilliant letter J. Great game too and I love the photo. Thank you so much for sharing and joining in with #alphabetphoto

  3. I haven't played this in literally forever!!! x


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