Thursday 28 August 2014

Huevos Rancheros Recipe

Whilst on holiday in Ibiza earlier this year, one of things we really loved was the food. Sitting and eating our breakfast at Cafe Mambo watching the sun rising was a definite highlight.

One of my favourite dishes was Huevos Rancheros, what is known as a typical Mexican breakfast.

I tried to recreate this, putting in a couple of my own twists.

huevos rancheros

Take a look at the recipe below :


* 3 tbsp oil
* 2 cloves of garlic
* 1 medium red onion, chopped
* half a green pepper, cut into chunks
* tin of chopped tomatoes
* tin of mixed beans
* 1 tsp of smoked paprika
* 1/2 tsp chilli powder
* 4 rashers of bacon, grilled until crispy
* 2 tsp castor sugar
* 4 x eggs
* 2 tortillas


* Heat up the oil in a pan and fry the onion and garlic for 2 -3 mins.

* Add the smoked paprika and chilli powder and continue to cook for a further minute.

* Add the chopped tomatoes, peppers and sugar. Leave to simmer for around 10 minutes.

* Add the bacon and beans and leave to cook for 5 minutes more.

* Then make 4 wells, crack an egg into each well, these will take around 3-5 minutes to cook depending on how you like your eggs.

huevos rancheros

* Whilst the eggs are cooking, fry your tortillas in a little oil, 1 minute for each side of the tortilla.

It is now ready to serve.

This meal will feed 2-4 people depending on how bigger portion you like to eat.

I love eating this for breakfast but I think it also makes a great dinner time meal too, which is exactly what we did, served with a nice cold beer, Corona of course.

huevos rancheros

Do you like mexican food? Do you have a favourite dish?


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