Saturday 18 October 2014

Project 365 Days 285 - 291

How to sum up this week of project 365?

Wet, rainy, soggy, lots of puddles oh and did I mention wet?

I think it felt more like Winter than Autumn this week, well except for the fact the the temperatures were still quite warm, not ideal when you need to wear a coat in the rain but you end up sweating from the heat.

Apart from the weather I think we've had a good week.

Gracie, Freya and Elise have been in the golden book at school for various efforts. 

Layla has managed a whole week having dry nappies at night, so I'm thinking it may be time to take the plunge and get rid of nappies completely.

And we had a letter from our solicitor saying searches have been done, so we are now due to discuss contracts, a house of our very own is closer to reach!!

I think the positivity shines through in this weeks photos too….

Day 285

Got to love having a scrummy hot chocolate on a rainy lazy Sunday.

Day 286

I love that my girls can play together nicely but also love that they can play independently. 

Day 287

One word, crazy!!

Day 288

This weeks attempt at a group photo.

Day 289

We spent a couple of hours at nannie's house, the girls seemed to spread themselves around the house doing various things.

Day 290

Whilst the girls were at school we took Layla out for dinner, can you tell she loves chicken? Freya seems to have caught her dad's sunglasses obsession. We bought a couple of new toys for the girls from the cartoon Adventure Time, Gracie was more than impressed. And Elise was going to her latest school disco, this was the practice run.

Day 291

Freya was having some quiet time whilst the other three were having some fun upstairs.


TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Elise looks so grown up and so pretty in her school disco outfit! did she have an lovely time? Great round up as usual x

  2. Lovely photos as ever. I really like your group shot :)

  3. Isn't it scary how quick they grow up, Elise looks lovely for her disco. Lovely pictures x #project365

  4. Sounds like a great week! Lots of lovely photos.

  5. Ekkkkk another step closer to your forever home. So excited for you

  6. glad things are starting to move on the house front, bet your mum is to. Love the chewing the feet picture, its amazing how they can do that. Chuckled at the hat on her head with bare feet - children are strange creatures. Layla is enjoying that chicken.

  7. There were four in the bed and the little one said... great photo!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.


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