Friday 13 November 2015

Wallpaper, Paint and All Things Pretty

We've been living in our house for almost 11 months now and slowly but surely we are really making it our home. The trouble with home improvement is that it takes not only time but money, something that we are quite short of right now but we are managing to make little changes here and there at minimal costs. A bit of wallpaper here, a splosh of paint there, throw in a few accessories, it is amazing the difference the smallest of jobs can make.

One of the biggest bug bares of mine in this house is the bloody wood chip everywhere. It's going to take a while to strip it all away as we're unsure of the condition of the walls underneath so we made the decision to start with the wall behind our bed, opting to wallpaper over it and make a feature wall. Surprisingly we discovered that a fireplace had been covered up behind it but luckily the wall itself was in good nick so was easy to cover.

To spruce up one of our other walls, a nice large sized canvas was purchased from The Range. We have a colour scheme running through the majority of our house or black, grey and white and this picture was quite fitting.

Gracie and Layla's room is another one decorated in wood chip. We haven't got the resources to change this at the moment so for now I opted for a touch of girliness. Bunting, canvases and lettering just makes their room a bit more personalised to them and their tastes. I created the letter pictures myself on Picmonkey and then uploaded them to Truprint to have them printed out and the bunting I found on eBay (so many bargains in there).

Painting is always a relatively quick and easy quick to most things. So whilst we had some gloss spare from previous upcycling the hubby painted over all the doors and we bought new handles (£54 for 8) off of Amazon to finish them off. The white doors immediately brightened up the hallways.

The last improvement was to the set of drawers below. These are flatpack drawers which we bought 10 years ago and they are still going strong. We'd already painted the front panels purple but I persuaded the hubby to finish them off in white to tie in with the storage bench he had already made for Freya's bedroom and I think you'll agree that they look almost brand new.

Next on our list of changes is making wardrobes in Freya's bedroom whilst creating a second bathroom/toilet. This is quite a big project but will definitely be worth it when complete. I'll be writing a full post on this when the job is finished.

What home improvements have you done recently?



  1. We've just recently painted our walls white with wallpapered featured walls and it looks so much better. Do agree about the cost and the frustration of doing things in stages as funds become available. We'd love to get everything done in one hit!

  2. I know the feeling about so much to do and so little money to do it with. I saw your wardrobe that hubby built he is very clever, and wow at adding a bathroom, that is a big undertaking.
    Like the personal touches you have added to the girls room, its the little things that make a difference.

  3. Wow it's looking good, we've been living in our house for 8 years and have done nothing. We really need to start getting sorted x

  4. It's looking great. Love the bunting in the girls room and that London picture is lovely. Keep going. It'll all be worth it in the end. It's just all so time consuming too x

  5. Wow! It looks amazing. I love the purple. It looks great. We rent our house so unfortunately we can't really do much.

  6. I really like the purple, it is one of my favourite shades to have on walls x

  7. This looks great!
    I really can't wait until we can buy our own house and then decorate it as we choose. It feels a bit of a waste to do much in a rented house (and that's even if you can get permission!)

  8. Your house looks fab, we moved into ours 10 years ago and are still making changes. Saving to replace the doors next

  9. Oh that purple is gorgeous! I desperately need to do my room next! Kaz x


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